Best Business Insurance Where Can I Find The Best Business Insurance Rates?

Where can I find the best business insurance rates? - best business insurance

My friend and I enter a photo business. We try to find the best insurance prices for businesses, including equipment and health?


Insurance Made said...

Try for finding brokers Insurance Group in your area.

Call your auto and home agent, specializing in insurance and causality. You need someone who specializes in health insurance.

An agent represents several carriers sort and can help you plan where all insurance companies and options in their state

SD Mike said...

Find an agent who represents several companies. Some of the leading insurance companies in the CNA, Hartford, Safeco, Allied and Zurich. Do not be just a date. Remember, do not collect any brokerage fees, and if so, try to negotiate.

For the health, health ins, you can consult a specialist. Make sure that you have multiple offers. Not to provide a representative to at least three bids.

Never a call agent on the phone or Internet. Have some friends that use to be. There are many brokers are crapy. Find someone you can trust.

mbrcatz said...

OK, no one size fits all better.

To discuss with only two of you, you are more individual health insurance plans, anyway. Some states do not allow you to add a group with two employees, but most have at least three.

You must be a local independent agent who can get the equipment to find the liability, workers compensation and health insurance. Since a company is likely to be the cover of the model workers show in force, before a company will have on health (not) remain on the hook for WC claims.

ZAZ said... - you can try this company. I personally auto insurance for small businesses. Since I know it is cheaper for the companies in my area (NYC).

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